Wednesday, 25 July 2012

More painting than you can shake a squig at.

If you had not guessed from the title, over the next few months I will mostly be painting Orks. I have really put off painting a horde for many years. Even my Imperial Guard armies have been small affairs with no more than around 60 troops per army. But after much persuasion by the missus I decided to create a greenskin army. Now not being one to do anything the easy way I decided to go for a converted army. I spotted an cannifex that had been converted into an ork killer can or some such beast and that was my inspiration.

This is not the exact one that inspired me but its close enough. Now I have been doing this army for around 18 months and it is not as near ready as I would like. I currently have around 20 boys to paint, plus 12 tank bustas, 5 Megaorks to build and paint and a Truckofex to paint (more on that later).

I will post up some images of the work so far as I get them based and each squad is completed. I want them to be completed before January, and at my current rate of building/painting I will be cutting it fine.

There are also some extras I want to do to make the army really stand out at any trounaments I go to so a mini book is being prepared which is just another thing to add to the list of bits I need to complete along with custom objective markers. To add to that I am trying to build up some better terrain so my son and I can have some decent battlefields to play over as we both learn the rather fantastic new 40k 6th edition. Well I best go and pick up my brush. These Orks will not paint themselves.

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