Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Poor picture problems

I have to say no matter how hard I try I cannot seem to take decent pictures of my minatures. They just seem to come out either too dark or too yellow or not quite in focus. I have read numerous guides on miniature photography and it doesn't help. I suspect this is more to do with my lack of equipment than anything else.

My camera is pretty good as a point a click but anything more complicated and it just doesn't work very well. I also have no lighting equipment so I either rely on the flash or direct sunlight, neither of which give satisfying results. I suppose I will have to look into getting a lighting setup as this is going to be cheaper than buying a new camera, which I certainly cannot justify.

Poor pictures lead me onto my next point. I don't have any I am happy to post up of my latest completed miniatures. Both squads of Gretchin are done, but they look very poor once I get them in front of he camera.

Other than my lack picture taking skills I have had a successful few days of painting. I have primed and base painted the Administratum building. I have done about 25% of the detail work, so it will hopefully be done in the next few days. The stormboys are well on their way to being completed with just some tidying up to be done this afternoon. My second objective marker is also completed so I need to get on and build the third one.

Tonight is going to be a first outing for the stormboyz as a completed unit. I have a 1000 point game at Sad Muppets against Gavin. He is also bringing along the Realm of Battle boards for me to buy. So I am hoping for another game tomorrow on these against Oliver.

I am not sure what else to put in my army against Gavin other than the stormboyz and my shootas and choppa boyz.

Finally I’m off too see ‘Dark Knight Rises’ this afternoon with Oliver, so that should be good. All in all a busy day.

1 comment:

  1. Can I be your official figurine photographer please? :)
